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When you submit your manuscript to our platform, rest assured that it will undergo a thorough review to ensure its quality and relevance. Our review process is meticulous and designed to maintain the high standards our readers expect. After your submission, a team of expert reviewers will assess your manuscript for its content, originality, and adherence to our guidelines. This process can vary in length, taking anywhere from one week to a maximum of one month. The duration largely depends on the complexities of the review and the number of submissions we’re handling at any given time.

Furthermore, to streamline our review process and ensure your manuscript is evaluated by the most appropriate experts, please select the category that best describes the focus of your manuscript upon submission.

We appreciate your patience and understanding during this period. Once the review is complete, we will promptly inform you of our decision and provide feedback, if necessary. Thank you for choosing us to review your work. Your contribution is invaluable, and we’re dedicated to giving it the attention it deserves.

Thank you,
East Journals Team